410 #01 Kyoto: Stargazing for Crafts

Jan. 2024

Pages: 28
Size: A4 (210x297mm)
Binding: Stapler Bound

Print: Laser Print
Paper: Ventnouveau
Graphic inc.

The first issue of 410 (視点 Shiten) focuses on the Kyoto perspective “Stargazing for Crafts.” Along with a photo collection likening the textures of workshops throughout Kyoto to planets, the issue includes a bonus design toy called the “Planet Lens,” which allows materials to be transformed into planets. The Planet Lens is a disk-shaped design toy with a film in the center. The film has spherical shadows, and when you look through it against materials, their surfaces appear like planets. We visited workshops all over Kyoto, capturing various textures, from products to workshop blemishes and stains, and turning them into planets through photography. From dazzling silk fabrics to hammer marks, workshop textures are transformed into the expressions of planets. Actual celestial photographs are also interspersed throughout. 

The first issue of 410 (Shiten) focuses on the Kyoto perspective of “Stargazing for Crafts.” Featuring a photo collection likening Kyoto’s workshop textures to planets, it also includes a bonus design toy named the “Planet Lens.” This disk-shaped toy has a film in the center, displaying spherical shadows. When viewed through the lens against materials, their surfaces appear like planets. Our exploration took us to workshops across Kyoto, capturing diverse textures, from product finishes to workshop blemishes and stains, and transforming them into celestial bodies through photography.

創刊号は京都の視点「工芸に対する天体観測」がテーマ。京都各地の工房のテクスチャーを惑星に見立てた写真集とともに、付録として実際に素材を惑星に見立てられるデザイン・トイ「紙の惑星発見器」が付属します。紙の惑星発見器は中央にフィルムがついた円盤型のデザイントイです。フィルムに球状の陰影がついており、素材に当てながらフィルム越しに眺めると、その表面が惑星のように見えてきます。  京都各地の工房を訪ね、製品から工房の傷や汚れまで、様々なテクスチャーを惑星に見立てて撮影しました。煌びやかな絹織物からハンマーの傷跡まで、工房のテクスチャーが惑星の表情へと変換されます。また、実際の天体写真も混ぜて並べています。  取材協力:(一社)Design Week Kyoto実行委員会