Solo Exhibition: Astronomy in Breakfast

Held a solo exhibition “Astronomy of Breakfast” at Shenzhen Fringe Art Center. In the Shenzhen solo exhibition, the focus was on displaying works that appear semi-three-dimensional through UV printing on layered acrylic. Additionally, the exhibition featured various interactive elements, such as an event where participants could enjoy moon-viewing while eating actual eggs, and telescopes.

深圳 Shenzhen Fringe Art Centerにて個展「朝食の天文学」を開催。深圳の個展では積層したアクリルにUVプリントを施し、半立体的に見える作品を中心に展示した。また、実際に卵を食べながらお月見をするイベントや、望遠鏡など、多くの仕掛けを施した。